folie a deux
im the invisible man...

hi :] ☆☆☆
welcome to my website! i dont have a lot to say (shy..) but i hope you enjoy your stay. i started working on this website for real in january 2023 as i finally had a laptop instead of just an ipad to code with. its a big work in progress right now but im currently feeling very motivated to improve it ^_^ mostly bc i dont want to use any of my other socials rn due to them making me feel bad. This home page iteration was created from scratch in december 2023 after many failed previous attempts.

to do list

- graphics page
- start shrines
- overcast kids webring
- update collections
- new links page
- faves rn
- game page
whats new?

- 12/9/2024 - listening log update
- 24/7/2024 - revamped my about page that hadn't been touched in a year
- 22/7/2024 - added a page for my manga collection! currently covering abt 60% of what i've bought so far :]
- 28/6/2024 - completely caught up on my music blog yippeeeee
- 9/5/2024 - finally posted my march listening log... hopefully i'll get april up soon!
- 14/3/2024 - uploaded february listening log! spent a tonn of time figuring out javascript to make the butons work
- 12/2/2024 - fixed my minor issues that were bugging me with the home page, now i can finally add the music page :]
- 07/2/2024 - new music listening log for january completed!
- 27/1/2024 - small home update
- 28/12/2023 - huge update to my fob collection. added javascript and entries for all the vinyl i currently own plus a few extra things.. going to be an extremely slow process getting that page up to date orz
- 23/12/2023 - made a new welcome page ^_^ nice to work on something simple after spending so long on the home page
- 17/12/2023 - began work on new home page. i think its a big improvement :]
About the Webmaster
lee | 18th november 2001 | ♂
i dont think im very interesting but here is some info about me. im 22 and live in scotland. i dropped out of college winter 2023 due to mental health issues. i've been doing better recently after starting meds, seeing a counsellor and making an effort to actually live my life :) i was studying sound production hoping to be a live engineer but now i live at home, trying to make enough money to move out with my online store and spending lots of time on indeed orz. some of the things i enjoy are music, art (sometimes), video games, manga, my dogs and coding (when it works -_-). i finally updated my old about page so check out myspace for more information ☆
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email me!